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Delete a Purchase Order

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to delete purchase orders in MaintainX, and how to restore a deleted purchase order.

Deleting partially fulfilled purchase orders

If a purchase order is partially fulfilled when you delete it, the parts you've already confirmed remain in your parts inventory.

To remove the fulfilled quantities from your inventory, fulfill the purchase order again before you delete the purchase order, and set the Units Received to 0.

Delete a Purchase Order​

  1. From the sidebar, select Purchase Orders.
  2. Select the purchase order you want to delete.
  3. In the purchase order details, select (more options).
  4. Select Delete.
  5. When prompted, select Yes, Archive Purchase Order to delete the purchase order.

Bulk Delete Purchase Orders​

  1. From the sidebar, select Purchase Orders.
  2. Hover over a purchase order's icon until a checkbox appears.
  3. Select the checkbox of each purchase order you want to delete.
  4. In the Edit Purchase Orders options, select the (Trash can) icon to delete the purchase orders.
  5. When prompted, select Yes to delete the purchase orders.

Restore a Deleted Purchase Order​

If you delete a purchase order by mistake, you can restore it from the Table view in the Purchase Orders module. If the purchase order was partially fulfilled when you deleted it, MaintainX restores it with its fulfillment history.

To restore a deleted purchase order:

  1. From the sidebar, select Purchase Orders.

  2. Select (Table View).

  3. In the Table view, select (Settings).

  4. In the Table view settings, go to Options and toggle on Show only deleted purchase orders.

  5. Select Apply.

    The Table view updates to display only deleted purchase orders.

  6. To select the purchase orders you want to restore:

    1. Hover over the icon of each deleted purchase order you want to restore until a checkbox appears.
    2. Select the checkbox.
  7. From the Edit Purchase Orders toolbar, select (Restore).

  8. When prompted, select Yes to restore the selected purchase orders.