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About Work Orders

In MaintainX, a work order is a standardized document that details a task to complete. A work order includes information such as who is responsible for completing the task or service, how long it takes to complete the task, and other details of what's expected when the work is done.

  • Administrators and Full Users can create and manage work orders for an organization. For more information, see Create a Work Order.
  • Administrators can generate reports to get insights into their organizations work orders. For more information, see About Work Order Reports.

Important Work Order Concepts​

Here are some important concepts about work orders.


A procedure is a list of tasks for users or teams to follow when they complete a work order. You can add a procedure to a work order. You can associate procedures with assets and locations. These procedures are reusable. Administrators can create procedure templates or choose one from the Global Procedure Library for tasks.


For information on how to get started with procedures for your organization, see The Beginner's Guide to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)(Free Templates) from the MaintainX blog.

Work Order Templates​

A work order template is a standardized and reusable document that details a task to complete. You can create templates with pre-populated values, hidden fields, read-only information, etc. After you create a work order template, you can create a new work order from the template.

With work order templates, you can:

  • Create work orders faster.
  • Create standard work orders for routine or common tasks.
  • Standardize the information collected in a work order to improve the quality of your records.

In the web application, you can manage your work order templates. In the mobile application, you can use work order templates to create work orders.

Work Order Chains​

A work order chain is a series of preventive maintenance work orders to perform the same maintenance task at regular intervals. For example, you can create a work order chain for daily work orders dedicated to a routine inspection of a machine before starting the work day. For more information, see Create a Work Order.

Work Order History​

Work order history exists when you create work orders for a MaintainX entity such as Locations or Assets. This data shows how many work orders are created and completed on the entity within a selected date range. This information lives in the details pane of the selected items of the entity that you want the work history for.

Corrective Action​

A corrective action is a work order created manually or automatically in response to an event or a condition such as Anomaly Detection or through a specific procedure action in a work order chain. For more information, see Trigger a Work Order.

Resource Planning​

MaintainX has a dedicated view for resource planning. You can use the Workload View to plan, schedule, and assign work from work orders. You can see users' capacity which helps you balance your team's workload. For more information, see About Resource Planning.

Time and Cost Tracking​

While completing a work order, users can record time and work order costs in the Time and Cost tracking section located in the work order details page. This feature shows Administrators how many units of a part are in stock, time spent on a specific asset, and other costs related to a specific work order. You can export this data through the Reporting module. For more information, see Create a Work Order.

Offline Mode​

Offline mode, available in the MaintainX mobile app, lets MaintainX users use the app while offline. In offline mode, work orders can continue to be performed, allowing you to continue to work on tasks as scheduled if you lose internet connection due to an outage. When you reconnect to the internet, MaintainX prompts you to turn off Offline mode and sync your data.

External Work Orders​

External work orders are shareable work orders that you send to people outside of your MaintainX organization through an external link. These work orders are useful for MaintainX users who outsource work from vendors and services for their companies. People who receive these work orders have limited access to the work order. For more information, see External Work Orders.

Cycle Count Work Orders​

Cycle counts help you keep your parts inventory in MaintainX in sync with your real world inventory. A cycle count is a reconciliation operation where you count real world parts to ensure the quantity in MaintainX matches the quantity you physically have on hand. You schedule cycle counts in the Cycle Counts module, and conduct them using a special type of work order that appears in your work order queue. For more information, see About Cycle Counts.