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Create a Work Order

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to create a work order, set a repeating schedule, and duplicate an existing work order.

Create a Work Order with AI

You can also use CoPilot to generate a work order. For more information, see MaintainX CoPilot.

Create a New Work Order​

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. Select + New Work Order.
  3. Enter a title for the work order in the What needs to be done? field.
  4. In the work order details, fill in the other fields that you need, as described in Work Order Fields.
  5. Select Create to save the new work order and add it to the queue.
Other ways to create a work order

You can create work orders on the fly for entities like assets, parts, etc. In the entity details, do any of the following:

  • Select Use in New Work Order.
  • Select (more options) menu in the entity details then Use in New Work Order

Work Order Fields​

This section explains how to fill out a new work order. You can fill in all the fields you need when you first create the work order or create the work order with a minimal amount of information and edit it later. The only mandatory field is the title (What needs to be done?).

What needs to be doneEnter a title for the work order. You can't create a new work order without a title.
The title can be up to 255 characters long.
Add or drag picturesAttach images to the work order.
Thumbnails of any images you attach appear here.
For details, see Attach Pictures.
DescriptionAdd a detailed description of the work to be done. The description can be up to 4096 characters long.
Estimated TimeAdd the approximate work time in hours and minutes to complete the work order.
ProcedureAdd procedures to the work order. You can also preview and edit them. For more information, see Create or Add a Procedure in a Work Order.
Assign toAssign the work order to one or more users or teams. For more information about users and teams, see About Users and Teams.
Due DateSet the date work is due to be completed.

After you set a Due Date, you can also set a Due Time.

For more information, see Add a Due Date and Time or Start Date and Time.
Start DateSet the date the work is scheduled to start.

After you set a Start Date, you can also set a Start Time.

For more information, see Add a Due Date and Time or Start Date and Time.
RecurrenceChoose the frequency (e.g., weekly, monthly, etc.) at which you want the work order to recur, or select Does not recur to make the work order a one-off (non-recurring).

If the work order is recurring other options appear to set up the repeating schedule.
For more information, see Set a Repeating Schedule.
Work TypeSpecify what kind of maintenance the work order for is:

  • Preventive
  • Reactive
  • Other
Usually, Preventive work orders are recurring, and Reactive work orders are non-recurring.
PrioritySet the priority for the work order.
LocationSpecify the location where the work will take place. You can choose from any of your organization's locations. A work order can only have one assigned location.

The location you choose should be the location associated with the asset specified in the Asset field. If the asset is associated with a different location, MaintainX sets the Location field to that location automatically.
AssetSpecify the asset to perform maintenance on. You can choose from any of your organization's assets. A work order can only have one assigned asset.
FilesAttach files to the work order. For details, and a list of supported file formats, see Attach Files.
PartsAdd the parts required to complete the work order. You can choose any part configured for your organization.
When you add a part, you must also specify the Amount Used.
CategoriesAssign one or more categories to the work order.
These can be built-in categories such as Safety or Standard Operating Procedure, or custom categories configured for your organization.
VendorsAdd one or more vendors to the work order. You can choose from any of your organization's vendors.

Attach Pictures or Files​

Attach one or more pictures or other files to work orders to provide additional information about the work that needs to be done.

Supported File Types​

You can attach the following types of files:

File TypeSupported Formats
Documents.doc, .docx (Microsoft Word)
.xlsx (Microsoft Excel - see note below)
.csv (Comma-separated values)
.pdf (Adobe PDF)

MaintainX doesn't support .xls files. If you want to attach a .xls file, convert it to .xlsx format first.

For best performance, files should be smaller than 50MB.

Attach Pictures​

On the work order, select Edit.

Do one of the following:

  • From the work order details, select Add or drag pictures. Then use the file dialog to choose one or more images to upload.
  • Drag one or more image files from a file browser on your machine, and drop them in the Add or drag pictures area.

Attach Files​

On the work order, select Edit.

  1. In the work order details, go to the Files field and select Attach files. A file picker opens.
  2. Choose one or more files to upload.

Add a Due Date and Time or Start Date and Time​

Use the Due Date field to set a due date and, optionally, Due Time for the work order. You must set a due date before you can set a due time.

  1. In the work order details, select the Due Date or Start Date field to open a date picker.
  2. Select the due date/start date.
  3. If you want to set a due time/start time, select Add due time/Add Start Time.
  4. Select a time from the drop-down.
Use start dates to manage your work order queue

Setting start dates can help keep your work order queue focused on upcoming tasks.

Suppose you have a preventive maintenance work order that repeats yearly. You can give it a start date so that it only appears in the queue a few days before each recurrence, rather than appearing for the full year between recurrences.

Or suppose you create a reactive work order to repair an asset, but it isn't due for two weeks. You can set a start date closer to the due date to keep the work order out of the queue while your team focuses on higher priority work.

Set a Repeating Schedule​

Use the Recurrence options to make the work order repeat at pre-set intervals. A series of repeating work orders is also called a work order chain.

A work order must have a due date before you can make it repeat. If you set the Recurrence before you set a due date, MaintainX will add the next day's date as the due date automatically.

To set a repeating schedule for a work order:

  1. In the work order details, go to the Recurrence section.

  2. Choose a repeat frequency and a repeat interval. The interval is the amount of time between repeats. For example if the frequency is Weekly, the interval is the number of weeks between repeats.

    FrequencyInterval Options
    Does not repeatNone
    DailyNone. Work order repeats every day.
    • Number of weeks between repeats.
    • Which days of the week the work order repeats on.

    E.g., the work order could repeat every 2 weeks on Wednesday.
    Monthly by date
    • Number of months between repeats.
    • Which day of the month the work order repeats on.

    E.g., the work order could repeat every 2 months on the 5th of the month.
    Monthly by weekday
    • Number of months between repeats.
    • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last weekday in the month the work order repeats on.

    E.g., the work order could repeat every 2 months on the last Tuesday of the month.
    YearlyNumber of years between repeats.

    E.g., the work order could repeat once every year.

    Yearly work orders repeat on the due date of the original work order.
    PeriodicallyNumber of minutes between repeats.

    E.g., the work order could repeat once every 30 minutes.

Duplicate a Work Order​

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. Locate the work order you want to duplicate, and select it to view its details.
  3. In the work order details, select (more options).
  4. Select Copy to New Work Order.
  5. Update the work order information as needed.
  6. Select Create to save the work order and add it to the queue.