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View and Filter Work Orders

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to use different views in the Work Orders module, and how to use filters to control which work orders you see.

View Work Orders in the Web App​

The MaintainX web app has the following work order views:

  • Split View: shows a list of work orders, and details about the selected work order side by side.
  • Table View: lists work orders in a table where you can sort them, and edit them in bulk.
  • Calendar View: shows work orders for each day in a week or month.
  • Workload View: shows your team's workload and available capacity, and allows you to assign and schedule work. For details, see About Resource Planning.

Split View​

Split view is a two-pane view. The list pane on the left lists work orders. When you select a work order from the list, the details pane on the right displays the work order details.

To access the Split view:

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. In the Work Orders module, select the (Split View) icon to switch to the Split view.
Split view
Split view
  • The list pane 1 shows the list of work orders in your organization.
  • Select a work order from the list to display the detail pane 2. The details pane displays the form field for the selected locations.

Split View List Pane​

The To Do tab lists work orders with the following statuses:

  • Open
  • In Progress
  • On Hold

It displays work orders in the following groups in the following order:

Assigned to MeWork orders assigned to the current user.
Assigned to My TeamsWork orders assigned to one or more of the current user's teams.
Created by MeWork orders the current user created.
All Open Work OrdersWork orders that are Open or On Hold, and don't belong to any other group.

You can:

  • Use the Sort By options to control the order of work orders in each group.
  • Select Mark all as read to mark all work orders as read.

The Done tab lists work orders with status: Completed or Canceled.

The Sort By line displays the order that work orders in the Done tab appear in.

Split View Details Pane​

When you select a work order in the list pane, it opens in the details pane, where you can view, update, and edit it.

Table View​


The Table view is only available in the MaintainX web application.

The Table view is a compact table of work orders and work order form fields. It gives you an overview of the work orders in your organization, and sorts them in different ways. You can also use table view to edit work orders (see Edit a Work Order).

To access the Table view:

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. In the Work Orders module, select (Table View) icon to switch to the Table view.
The Table view in the Work Orders module.
The Table view in the Work Orders module.

Configure the Table View​

Use the Table view settings to control what appears in the Table View.

  1. In the Table view, select (Settings).
Table view settings
Table view settings
1Results per pageThe number of work orders to display per page.
2OptionsToggle various display options. For example, you can show or hide deleted work orders or upcoming work orders.
3Column OptionsChange the order of the columns by dragging the (Reorder) icon.
Select the (Remove) icon to remove columns from the table.
To reset the table to the default columns, select the (Restore) icon.
4Select a column to addSelect the dropdown to show the list of additional columns you can add. Select a column name to add the column to the table.

When you're finished making changes, select Apply.

Calendar View​

Calendar view lists work orders in a monthly or weekly calendar. It's useful to get an at-a-glance view of work for the day.

To access the Calendar view:

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. In the Work Orders module, select the (Calendar View) icon to switch to Calendar view.
The Calendar view in the Work Orders module.
The Calendar view in the Work Orders module.

Each day in the calendar view lists work orders for that date. Overdue work orders are in red.

You can:

  • Hover over a work order to display a summary.
  • Select a work order to view its details.
  • If there are too many work orders to fit in the available space, select the date or the link to open a full list of work orders for the day.

How the Calendar View Lists Work Orders​

The Calendar view lists work orders in the following order:

  1. Open (ordered according to due date, then date created, then status)
  2. In Progress
  3. On Hold
  4. Done or Canceled

Overdue work orders always appear first, followed by non-overdue work orders.

View Work Orders in the Mobile App​

The MaintainX mobile app has the following work order views:

List View​

The List view is a compact list of your organization's work orders.

To access the List view:

  1. From the bottom navigation, select Work Orders.
  • The To Do tab lists work orders with status: Open, In Progress, or On Hold.

    • Work orders assigned to the current user are grouped together. So are work orders assigned to any of the current user's teams.
  • The Done tab lists work orders with status: Completed or Cancelled.

Calendar View​

Calendar view lists work orders in a monthly calendar. It's useful to get an at-a-glance view of work for the day.

To access the Calendar View:

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. In the Work Orders module, select the (Calendar View) icon to switch to Calendar view.

The current date is highlighted in blue. Days with overdue work orders are highlighted in red.

Color-coded dots provide information about the work orders for each day.


Select a date to list the work orders for that day.

Select any work order in the list to open it.

Filter and Sort Work Orders​

Use filters to further control which work orders appear in the Work Orders module. You can filter according to most work order fields, including custom fields. You can also save filters to reuse them.

Add a Filter Field​

  1. In any work order view, select +Add Filter

  2. Choose a work order field from the list.

    The field is added to the filter.

  3. Select the new field to open its filter options.

  4. Choose a filter condition. The condition determines what makes a work order match the filter.

    One ofFinds work orders where the filter field matches one or more values that you specify.Use this to include specific work orders in the view.
    None ofFinds work orders where the filter field doesn't matches any of the values that you specify.Use this to exclude specific work orders from the view.
    Is emptyFinds work orders where the filter field has no value at all.
    Is not emptyFinds work orders where the filter field has a value.
    ContainsFinds work orders that contain the selected value.
    Does not containsFinds work orders that don't contain the selected value.
  5. If you set the filter condition to One of or None of, select the specific values to filter for.

    For example, for the Assigned To field, you select the users or teams to filter for.

Save a Filter​

You can have different types of filters saved.

  • A personal filter is a filter that's only available to the user who created it.
  • An organization filter is a filter available to Administrators and Full Users of the organization.

You can only save filters in the MaintainX web application. However, you can apply saved filters in the mobile application as well.

To save a filter:

  1. Add one or more fields, as described in Add a Filter.

  2. In the filter toolbar, select Save Filters.

  3. In the Save to My Filters dialog, enter a name for the new filter.

  4. If you want to make the saved filter an Organization filter, select Make this Filter visible organization wide.


Only Administrator can create an organization wide filter.

  1. Select Submit to save the filter.

Apply a Saved Filter​

To apply a saved filter:

  1. From the sidebar, select Work Orders.
  2. In the filter toolbar, select My Filters.
  3. From the My Filters dialog box, select Personal Filters or Organization Filters.
  4. Select your filter.
    • You can choose to pin the filter by select the (Pin) in the Work Order module.
    • You can delete the your filter by selecting the (Trash can) icon.

Full users can't delete organization wide filters.