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View and Filter Purchase Orders

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to use different views in the Purchase Orders module, and how to use filters to control which purchase orders you see.

The MaintainX web application has the following purchase order views:

  • Panel view: Shows a list of purchase orders, and details about the currently selected purchase order side by side.
  • Table View: Lists purchase orders in a table where you can sort them, and edit them in bulk.

Panel View​

To access the Panel view:

  1. From the sidebar, select Purchase Orders.
  2. In the Purchase Orders module, select the (Panel view) icon to switch to the Panel view.
The Panel view in the purchase orders module
The Panel view in the purchase orders module

The list pane 1 shows the list of your organization's purchase orders.

  • Select a purchase order from the list to display its details in the details pane 2. The details pane displays the purchase order's form fields, comments, and history.
  • Use filters 3 to display a subset of purchase orders. See Filter Purchase Orders.

Table View​

To access the Table view:

  1. From the sidebar, select Purchase Orders.
  2. In the Purchase Orders module, select the (Table view) icon to switch to the Table View.
The Table View in the Purchase Orders module
The Table View in the Purchase Orders module

The table 1 is a compact list of purchase orders and purchase order form fields.

Table View Settings​

In Table View, select (Settings) for more options.

Table view settings
Table view settings
1Results per pageThe number of purchase orders to display per page.
2Show deleted purchase ordersToggle this option on to show deleted purchase orders in the table view. Rows for deleted purchase orders are highlighted.

This is useful when you want to restore deleted purchase orders (See ).
3Column optionsLists the columns that appear in the table.

Change the order of columns by dragging the (reorder) icon.

Select (close) to remove columns from the table.
4Select a column to addSelect the dropdown to show the list of columns you can add. Select a column name to add the column to the table.

When you’re finished making changes, select Apply.

Filter Purchase Orders​

Use filters to further control which purchase orders appear in the purchase orders views. You can filter according to a subset of purchase order fields.

To filter purchase orders:

  1. In any purchase order view, select +Add Filter

  2. Choose a purchase order field from the list.

    The field is added to the filter.

  3. Select the new field to open its filter options.

  4. Choose a filter condition. The condition determines what makes a purchase order match the filter.

    One ofFinds purchase orders where the filter field matches one or more values that you specify.Use this to include specific purchase orders in the view.
    None ofFinds purchase orders where the filter field doesn't match any of the values that you specify.Use this to exclude specific purchase orders from the view.
    Is emptyFinds purchase orders where the filter field has no value at all.
    Is not emptyFinds purchase orders where the filter field has a value.
  5. If you set the filter condition to One of or None of, select the specific values to filter for.

    For example, for the Assigned To field, you select the users or teams to filter for.

  6. To remove a field, select the (trash) icon in the field options.

  7. To remove all filter conditions, select Reset Filter.