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About Notifications

Notifications alert you or a user in your organization when certain things happen. For example, notifications can update you when the status of a work order changes, or when you get a message from another MaintainX user in your organization.

MaintainX sends some notifications by email and some directly in the application, which are called in-app notifications in the Web application and push notifications in the mobile application.

You can manage your notification settings for specific MaintainX entities by toggling them on or off. You can also pause notifications. For more information, see Manage your Notification Settings.

MaintainX Entities and Notifications​

The following tables explain what triggers notifications, who the notification receivers are, and how they're received.

Work Orders​

TriggerTriggered ByNotification ReceiverEmailIn-app/Push
Assigning a work orderUser who assigned the work orderAssigned user or assigned team
Mentioning a user in commentsUser who makes the mentionUser mentioned in the comment
When a work order is overdueMaintainXAssigned user or team for the work order
Status change on a work orderMaintainXAssigned user or team for the work order

External Work Orders​

TriggerTriggered ByNotification ReceiverEmailIn-app/Push
Sharing a work order externallyAdministratorVendor contact or external contact
A completed external work orderVendor contact or external contactAdministrator

Work Requests​

TriggerTriggered ByNotification ReceiverEmailIn-app/Push
A new request is createdMaintainXRequester
A new request is pending approvalMaintainXAdministrator
A request is approvedAdministratorRequester
A request is rejectedAdministratorRequester
A comment is added to a work order for an approved requestCommenterRequester
A comment that @mentions the Requester is added to a work order for an approved requestCommenterRequester
A work order for an approved request changes statusMaintainXRequester

Part Requests​

TriggerTriggered ByNotification ReceiverEmailIn-app/Push
When you send a request for parts that are available in another organizationMaintainXAdministrator or the escalation team from your organization and the other organization
When an incoming parts request needs approvalMaintainXAdministrator or the escalation team of your organization
When an outgoing parts request needs approvalMaintainXAdministrator or the escalation team
When an outgoing parts request is rejectedMaintainXAdministrator or the escalation team of the organization

For more information about parts requests and sharing parts between organizations, see Share Parts Between Organizations.

Scheduled Reports​

Administrators can schedule reports to be sent by email to a list of recipients. For more information, see Scheduled Reports.


As an Administrator and a Full User, you can receive weekly reports of work orders in your organization by email automatically on Mondays. To have access to this feature, contact your MaintainX Representative.

Purchase Orders​

TriggerTriggered ByNotification ReceiverEmailIn-app/Push
When you create a purchase orderMaintainXAdministratorEmail
When you approve a purchase orderAdministratorUser who created the purchase order
When you reject a purchase orderAdministratorUser who created the purchase order
When you cancel a purchase orderMaintainXUser who created the purchase order


MaintainX users can send messages and mentions in comments through the web and mobile applications. You can choose to receive all new messages, only direct messages and mentions or no messages at all.

You can also choose to receive those notifications through mobile push notifications. For more information on managing your notifications settings, see Manage your Notification Settings.