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Edit a Scheduled Cycle Count

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User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to edit a scheduled cycle count. For example, to update the list of parts to count, update the schedule, or change the assignees. When you edit a cycle count, your changes affect the current work order, and all future occurrences. They don't affect historical work orders.

To edit a cycle count:

  1. From the sidebar, select Parts > Cycle Counts.
  2. In the cycle count list, select the cycle count you want to edit.
  3. In the cycle count details, select Edit.
  4. The Edit Cycle Count form appears. Update the fields as needed. See Cycle Count Form Fields.
  5. Select Update to update all work orders for the cycle count.

You can also edit a cycle count by editing its current open work order. From the work Order Details, select Edit. Editing the work order takes you to the Edit Cycle Count form.

Edit an In-Progress Cycle Count​

If a cycle count is in progress when you edit it, your changes affect the ongoing work order. If you remove parts that you've already counted, MaintainX remembers the counts until you mark the work order as Done. If you add the same parts back before closing the work order, MaintainX adds back the counts and the names of the users who counted the parts.

Cycle Count Form Fields​

Name (required)The name of the cycle count. It can be up to 255 characters long.
Recurrence (required)Choose the frequency (e.g., weekly, monthly, etc.) at which you want the cycle count to recur.

Other options appear, depending on the recurrence option you choose.
For more information, see Cycle Count Recurrence Options.
Due Date (required)Set the date the cycle count is due to be completed.

After you set a Due Date, you can also set a Due Time.

MaintainX automatically adjusts the due date each time the cycle count recurs.
Start DateSet the date the cycle count is scheduled to start.

After you set a Start Date, you can also set a Start Time.

MaintainX automatically adjusts the start date each time the cycle count recurs.
Based onSpecifies which parts to include in the cycle count.

  • Part Types: Includes all parts with the selected part types in the cycle count. For example, all Critical parts.
  • Locations: Includes all parts associated with the selected locations in the cycle count. For example, all parts in Warehouse A.

You can select multiple part types, locations, or a combination of both. The resulting parts list will include only parts that meet all the criteria.

For example if you select Part Types: Critical and Locations: Warehouse A, the list will include only critical parts in Warehouse A. Not all critical parts and all parts in Warehouse A.

If you don't select any part types or locations, the cycle count will include all the parts in your organization.
Assign toThe teams or users assigned to the work order for the cycle count.

A user doesn't have to be an assignee to participate in the cycle count or to add part counts.
Hide on-hand quantityWhen selected, the current quantities of the parts to count don't appear in the cycle count dialog when you conduct the cycle count.

Cycle Count Recurrence Options​

The Recurrence options control when and how often the cycle count repeats. Choose a repeat frequency and a repeat interval. The interval is the amount of time between repeats. For example if the frequency is Weekly, the interval is the number of weeks between repeats.

FrequencyInterval Options
  • Number of weeks between repeats.
  • Which days of the week the work order repeats on.

E.g., the work order could repeat every 2 weeks on Wednesday.
Monthly by date
  • Number of months between repeats.
  • Which day of the month the work order repeats on.

E.g., the work order could repeat every 2 months on the 5th of the month.
Monthly by weekday
  • Number of months between repeats.
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last weekday in the month the work order repeats on.

E.g., the work order could repeat every 2 months on the last Tuesday of the month.
YearlyNumber of years between repeats.

E.g., the work order could repeat once every year.

Yearly work orders repeat on the due date of the original work order.