Edit a User
Platform: | WebMobile |
Plan Type: | BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise |
User Type: | RequesterFull UserAdministrator |
This article explains how to edit and remove users from an organization in MaintainX.
Edit a User from the Web Application​
From the sidebar, select Teams / Users.
Select the Users tab.
Navigate to the user you want to edit. To access the user, you can either:
- Select the user's name.
- Select (more options) and then select See Account.
On the Manage User page, do any of the following:
Recent Activity and Work Order History Tabs​
You can switch from the Recent Activity tab to the Work Order History tab to view the user’s work history.
The Recent Activity tab lists all recent actions the user has taken in the organization.
The Work Order History tab lists all work orders the user has worked on or been assigned to. It includes completed work orders, as well as in progress and open work orders.
Send Message​
Select Send Message to start a private conversation with the user and send them a direct message.
Edit Account​
Select Edit Account to edit the user's name, phone number or email address.
When you edit the email address, the user will need to revalidate their email address through a link sent by email from MaintainX. The link is valid for 24 hours.
Edit PIN for Workstation Mode​
Available for Enterprise plans. Full Users can edit their PIN for workstation mode. You can only edit a PIN in the MaintainX web application.
Workstation mode turns public computers or public devices into multi-user access terminals. When you select Edit PIN for Workstation Mode, you can generate a new 4-digit PIN. This pin is the one a user needs to log into a workstation during work. It makes it easier for users to share a device.
For more information about workstation mode, see About Workstation Mode.
Edit Role/Permissions​
Select Edit Role/Permissions to change the user’s role and work order permissions. You might do this if you need to adjust a user's visibility on work orders or if a user changes tasks or teams.
You can select the following permissions for Full Users:
- Full Visibility: Users can see all work orders in the organization.
- Limited Visibility: Users can only see work orders they created or are assigned or assigned to a team they're part of.
For more information about roles and permissions, see User Roles and Permissions.
Remove User from Organization​
Select Remove User from Organization to delete a user from your organization. When prompted, you can reassign all active work orders to another user. This action might be necessary if a user is no longer part of your organization.
Edit a User from the Mobile Application​
From the bottom navigation bar, select More.
From the More Options screen, select the name of the organization.
In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS section, select Teams / Users.
Select the Users tab.
Navigate to the user you want to edit and select the user's name.
On the user page, you can:
Recent Activity and Work Order History Tabs​
You can switch between the Account and the Activity tab to see the recent activities and the work order history of the user to view the user’s work history.
The Recent Activity section lists all recent actions the user has taken in the organization.
The Work Order History section lists all work orders the user has worked on or been assigned to. It includes completed work orders, as well as those in progress and open work orders.
Edit Account​
Select Edit to edit the user’s information. You can edit their name, phone number or email address.
When you edit the email address, the user will need to revalidate their email address through a link sent by email from MaintainX. The link is valid for 24 hours.
Edit Permissions​
Select Edit Permissions to change the user's work order permissions. You might do this if you need to adjust a user's visibility on work orders or if a user changes tasks or teams.
You can select the following permissions for Full Users:
- Full Visibility: Users can see all work orders in the organization.
- Limited Visibility: Users can only see work orders they created, or are assigned to, or that are assigned to a team they're part of.
Change Role​
Select Change Role to change the user’s role. You might do this if you need to adjust a user's visibility on work orders or if a user changes tasks or teams.
For more information about roles and permissions, see User Roles and Permissions.
Remove from Organization​
Select Remove User from Organization to delete a user from your organization. When prompted, you can reassign all active work orders to another user. This action may be necessary if a user is no longer part of your organization.