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Create and Manage Users

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to create and manage users in MaintainX.

  • A user is an individual assigned a role type with a set of default permissions. They can also have customized permissions, that expand or limit how they interact with MaintainX for specific tasks. For details, see User Roles and Permissions.

  • A team is a group of users who share similar functions or responsibilities in an organization. A user can be part of more than one team.

Invite a User to a MaintainX Organization​


An organization can send a maximum of 50 user invites every 24 hours from any user or IP address.

Invite Users from the Web Application​

  1. From the sidebar, select Teams / Users.
  2. Select the Users tab, then select +Invite Users.
  3. Enter the required information:
    1. Full name of the user.
    2. Mobile phone number or email address of the user.
    3. Select the Account Type. This is the user role. If you don't select an account type, the user will have a Full User type by default.
  4. (Optional) Select +Add another if you want to add additional users.
  5. Select Send Invites.

The user receives an invite via text message or email. They must accept the invitation to have access to your MaintainX organization. Until they accept the invitation, the user appears grayed out in the organization's user list.


You can also add users through the Settings menu. Select Invite Users directly in the menu. From the Invite Users page, you can enter the required information and create the user.

Other Ways to Invite Users from the Web Application​

As an Administrator, you can add users through the Settings menu. In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS, select Manage Teammates to add users, create teams or set hourly rates for users in your organization. For more information, see Manage Teammates.

Another way to invite users is by selecting Get an invite link to share in the Invite Users page. You can share this link with users to join the organization.


You can bulk import users into your MaintainX organization. For details, contact your MaintainX representative.

Invite Users from the Mobile Application​

  1. From the bottom navigation bar, select More.

  2. From the More Options screen, select the name of the organization.

  3. In ORGANIZATION SETTINGS section, select Teams / Users.

  4. Select the Users tab, then select Invite People.

  5. You can:

    • Search for your contacts. You'll need to allow MaintainX to access your contacts on your device. When prompted, select Allow in Settings.
    • Select Invite with Email or Phone.
  6. Enter the required information:

    1. Full name of the user.
    2. Mobile phone number or email address of the user.
  7. Select Send Invite.

The user receives an invitation via text message or email. They must accept the invitation to have access to your MaintainX organization. Until they accept the invitation, the user appears grayed out in the organization's user list.

Invite Users on the Fly

You can quickly invite a user from the overview screen. Select the (Teams / Users) icon in the overview shortcut bar. For more information about the overview screen, see MaintainX Mobile App Overview.

Resend Invites to Users​


Only Administrators can resend invites to users.

If a user hasn’t accepted their invitation, you can resend it. If you have several users who haven't accepted their invitations, you can resend them in bulk. You can only do this when there are pending invitations in the organization. You can only resend an invitation once per day.

To resend invites to a user

  1. From the sidebar, select Teams / Users.
  2. Select the Users tab.
  3. In the Last Visit column, navigate to the user that you want to send the invitation to.
  4. Select Resend Invite.
  5. Select Confirm.

Another way to resend an invitation to a user is by selecting the user's name from the list of users in the organization. From the user profile, select Resend Invite.

To resend invites in bulk


You can only resend invites in bulk from the MaintainX web application. Only Administrators can resend invites in bulk.

  1. From the sidebar, select Settings.
  2. In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS, select Manage Teammates.
  3. Select the Users tab.
  4. Select Resend Invites, which is located in the banner. You can only resend an invitation once per day.

Manage Teammates​


Only Administrators can access the Manage Teammates page, which is available exclusively on the MaintainX web app.

You can manage users through the Manage Teammates page. To access it:

  1. From the sidebar, select the Settings menu.
  2. In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS, select Manage Teammates.
  3. Select the Users tab.

The page has the following sections:

Set the Organization Defaults​

In the Organization Defaults section, you can set up default settings for Full Users in the organization. The following table describes each of the fields in this section. By default, Administrators can see all work orders.

Rates and Visibility​

WORK ORDER VISIBILITYSpecify how Full Users view work orders in the organization. There are 2 types of visibility for users at MaintainX:

  • Full Visibility: Users can see all work orders in the organization.
  • Limited Visibility: Users can only see work orders they created, or are assigned to, or that are assigned to a team they're part of.
HOURLY RATESet the default hourly rate for a user.
HOURLY RATE VISIBILITYChoose the type of visibility Full Users have on their hourly rate.

Scheduling Capacity​

The settings you set in this section will be reflected in the Workload view in the Work Orders module. The following table describes each of the fields in this section.

For more information about Workload view and resource planning, see About Resource Planning.

WORKING DAYSSpecify which days of the week are working days.
HOURS PER WORKING DAYSet the number of working hours in a day for a full shift in the organization.
SCHEDULABLE USERSSpecify which user types you can schedule work for. Full Users are schedulable by default.

Set User Settings​

In the Users Settings section, you can individually modify settings for Full Users. If you are the Administrator who created the organization, you can change roles for other Administrators. The following table describes each field in this section.

NAMEThe user's name.
ROLESelect the user type for the user. For more information, see User Types and Permission.
FULL USER VISIBILITYSpecify how Full Users can view work orders in the organization. You can set the following types of visibility for Full Users in MaintainX:

  • Full Visibility: They can see all work orders in the organization.
  • Limited Visibility: They can only see work orders they created, or are assigned, or that are assigned to a team they're part of.
HOURLY RATESpecify the user's hourly pay rate. This rate is used to calculate labor costs when users enter time in work orders. Administrators can modify this rate for each user.
HOURLY RATE VISIBILITYSpecify whether Full Users have visibility on their hourly rate.

By default, Administrators can see and edit all rates.
SCHEDULABLE USERSToggle users' ability to be scheduled on or off. For more information, see Configure Resource Planning.
WORKING DAYSSpecifies which days of the week you can schedule work on.

To customize shifts or the weekly capacity of a user, select (more options) next to the user’s name.