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Custom Roles

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains the different types of user roles in MaintainX, default and custom role permissions, as well as how to create and manage custom roles.

MaintainX has different types of roles.

  • A default role, such as Administrator, Full User, or Requester, is a pre-defined role in a MaintainX organization. An Administrator cannot customize these roles, but a MaintainX representative can make some changes. For more information, see Users Roles and Permissions.

  • A custom role is a role you can tailor to your organization's needs. The default permissions for a custom role are based on the Full User role. An Administrator can create, customize, and manage these custom roles by selecting or deselecting permissions for MaintainX entities, to allow users to perform specific tasks related to their roles.

    Custom roles allow Administrators to manage permissions for specific positions, like site technicians or maintenance managers, who might need more permissions than the default Full User role provides.


    A custom role seat is billed as a Full User seat in your MaintainX organization. For details, contact your MaintainX representative.

Default Role Permissions​

When a user joins your organization, they’re assigned a default role, such as Full User or Requester. These roles come with a default set of permissions that define what they can do and see in MaintainX. An Administrator cannot customize pre-defined permissions of default roles.

For example, a default role like Requester can only access to create work requests that notify the organization of a task that needs to be completed. Requesters cannot access work orders created from those requests. They can only view and edit the work requests they made.

For more information, see User Permissions Quick Reference.

Custom Role Permissions​

Sometimes, users with default roles might need additional permissions. Custom roles allow you to add or remove permissions for different MaintainX entities, so you can create sets of permissions for specific functions in your organization. You can tailor custom roles to suit the needs of your business.

For example, a site manager in your facility has a default Full User role, but you want them to be able to approve and complete purchase orders (which Full Users can't do). You can create a custom role called Buying Manager, give it the appropriate permissions, and assign the role to the site manager so they can perform these tasks.

For a breakdown of permissions you can customize, see Create a Custom Role.


You can have your organization's default permissions customized by a MaintainX representative, which may affect custom roles. For any questions, contact your MaintainX representative.

Create a Custom Role​

To create a custom role:

  1. From the sidebar, select the Settings menu.

  2. In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS, select Manage Teammates.

  3. Select the Roles and Permissions tab.

  4. You can:

    • Select New Role.
    • Navigate to the Custom Roles section and select Create a New Role. You only see this option when there are no pre-existing custom roles.
  5. Enter a name for the custom role. The name can have a maximum of 30 characters. This field is mandatory.

  6. (Optional) Enter a description for the role.

  7. Select or deselect permissions for the role as needed. For a list of permission you can configure see Custom Role Permissions Quick Reference.

  8. Select Create Role.

Custom Role Permissions Quick Reference​

The following table lists Custom Role user permissions for the following MaintainX entities:

Work Orders​
CreateAbility to create work orders.
EditAbility to edit work orders.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit work orders they created.
  • Any Work Order: The user can edit any work order in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete work orders.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete work orders they created.
  • Any Work Order: The user can delete any work order in the organization.
Cancel/SkipAbility to cancel or skip work orders.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only cancel or skip work orders in a chain they created.
  • Any Work Order: The user can cancel or skip any work order in a chain.

    For more information, see Skip and Cancel Work Orders
Fill ProcedureAbility to fill in procedure fields in a work order.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only fill procedure fields in work orders they created.
  • Any Work Order: The user can fill in procedure fields in any work order.
Change StatusAbility to change the status of work orders.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only change the status of work orders they created.
  • Any Work Order: The user can change the status of any work order in the organization.
CreateAbility to create work requests.
ApproveAbility to approve work requests.

  • The user can approve any work request in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete work requests.

  • The user can delete any work request in the organization.
CreateAbility to create assets.
EditAbility to edit assets.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit assets they created.
  • Any Asset: The user can edit any asset in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete assets.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete assets they created.
  • Any Asset: The user can delete any asset in the organization.
Change StatusAbility to change the status on assets.

For more information, see Asset Status.
CreateAbility to create locations.
EditAbility to edit locations.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit locations they created.
  • Any Location: The user can edit any location in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete locations.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete locations they created.
  • Any Location: The user can delete any location in the organization.
CreateAbility to create meters.
EditAbility to edit meters.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit meters they created.
  • Any Meter: The user can edit any meter in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete meters.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete meters they created.
  • Any Meter: The user can delete any meter in the organization.
CreateAbility to create parts.
EditAbility to edit parts.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit parts they created.
  • Any Part: The user can edit any part in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete parts.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete parts they created.
  • Any Part: The user can delete any part in the organization.
CreateAbility to create procedures.
EditAbility to edit procedures.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit procedures they created.
  • Any Procedure: The user can edit any procedure in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete procedures.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete procedures they created.
  • Any Procedure: The user can delete any procedure in the organization.
Purchase Orders​
CreateAbility to create purchase orders.
ApproveAbility to approve purchase orders.

  • The user can approve any purchase orders in the organization.
EditAbility to edit purchase orders.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit purchase orders they created.
  • Any Purchase Order: The user can edit any purchase order in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete purchase orders.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete purchase orders they created.
  • Any Purchase Order: The user can delete any purchase order in the organization.
CompleteAbility to complete purchase orders.

  • The user can complete any purchase orders in the organization.
FulfillAbility to fulfill purchase orders.

  • The user can fulfill any purchase orders in the organization.
Work Order Templates​
CreateAbility to create work order templates.
EditAbility to edit work order templates.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit work order templates they created.
  • Any Work Order Template: The user can edit any work order template in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete work order templates.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete work order templates they created.
  • Any Work Order Template: The user can delete any work order template in the organization.
CreateAbility to create categories.
EditAbility to edit categories.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit categories they created.
  • Any Category: The user can edit any category in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete categories.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete categories they created.
  • Any Category: The user can delete any category in the organization.
CreateAbility to create vendors.
EditAbility to edit vendors.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only edit vendors they created.
  • Any Vendor: The user can edit any vendor in the organization.
DeleteAbility to delete vendors.

Select one of the following:

  • Only those they created: The user can only delete vendors they created.
  • Any Vendor: The user can delete any vendor in the organization.
Invite usersAbility to invite users.

For more information, see Invite a User in a MaintainX Organization.
Remove usersAbility to remove users in a MaintainX organization.

For more information, see Remove User from Organization.
Manage billingAbility to manage the paid subscription of the MaintainX organization.
Reporting ViewAbility to access the Reporting module.

Edit a Custom Role​

To edit a custom role:

  1. From the sidebar, select the Settings menu.
  2. In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS, select Manage Teammates.
  3. Select the Roles and Permissions tab.
  4. Navigate to the Custom Roles section, and select the role you want to edit.
  5. Select or deselect permissions for the role as needed. For a list of permission you can configure see Custom Role Permissions Quick Reference.
  6. Select Save.

Manage a Custom Role​

To manage a custom role:

  1. From the sidebar, select the Settings menu.

  2. In the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS, select Manage Teammates.

  3. Select the Roles and Permissions tab.

  4. Navigate to the Custom Roles section, and select the role you want to manage.

  5. Select (more options), and select one of the following:

Assign Users to a Custom Role​

  1. When prompted, type in or select the user you want to assign to this role. You can select multiple users at a time.
  2. When you’re finished, select Done.

You can also assign a custom role to a user by editing the user in the MaintainX web or mobile application. For details, see:

View Users Assigned to a Custom Role​

When you select View Users, the Users Assigned page opens. It lists all users in your organization assigned to the selected role.

Duplicate a Custom Role​

When you select Duplicate, the New Custom Role page opens. It allows you to quickly create a new role with the custom permissions from the existing role.

After making your changes, be sure to update the name, as you cannot use the same role name twice.

For example, you create a technician role, called Technician-Location, that can only interact with work orders and locations. Later, you want to quickly create another technician role that interacts only with work orders and assets. You can duplicate the Technician-Location role, and modify the duplicate's permissions, and save it with the name Technician-Assets.

Delete a Custom Role​

When you select Delete, a dialog appears.

  • If users are assigned to the role you're deleting, the dialog displays the number of users that will be affected, and prompts you to choose a new role for them. MaintainX reassigns the users to the role you choose before completing the delete operation.
  • If you don't have any users assigned to the role, select Confirm to delete the role.

Restore a Deleted Custom Role​

When you restore a deleted role, it doesn't restore the previous user assignment. You must reassign the role to the users.

You can restore the role until you navigate away from the Role Details page. After that, you can't restore it. However, you can create a new role with the same name.

When you select Restore, a prompt appears. Select Confirm to restore the role.