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Create a Part

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This article explains how to create a part, how to duplicate a part, and describes the parts form fields in MaintainX.

To create a part:

  1. From the sidebar, select Parts > Inventory.
  2. Select + New Part.
  3. Enter a name and any additional properties for the part. See Parts Form Fields for details.
  4. Select Create.

The new part appears in the Parts list of your organization.

Duplicate a Part​

Another way to create a part is to duplicate one that already exists. This could be useful if you are working with a part that can have different sizes. For example, a glass pane that comes in two different sizes but otherwise have all the same information. You might create the 16”x21” model first and then duplicate and modify it to create the 21”x32” model.

To duplicate a part:

  1. From the sidebar, select Parts > Inventory.
  2. In the Parts list, select the part you want to duplicate.
  3. From the part details, select (more options).
  4. Select Copy to New Part.
  5. The duplicated part opens on the New Part page. You can verify the information or edit the information.
  6. To save the part, select Create.

A duplicate of the part is created.

Parts Form Fields​

Parts form fields define a part's properties. The following table describes each of the fields in the Parts form.

NameThe name of the part. It can be up to 255 characters long.

The Part Name is the only searchable field when you add a part to a work order, so it must be unique and include relevant details, like the part number, for effective searching.

You cannot create a part without a name.
Add or drag picturesAttach or drag pictures of the part. These can be photos or other pictures such as instructions, blueprints of the part, etc.

In the mobile app, you can take photos with your device’s camera, or choose existing photos or pictures on the device.

In the web app, you can choose any photo or picture on your computer.
Units in StockQuantity of the part you have in inventory.
Minimum in StockNumber of units you want to keep at all times in inventory.

When this number gets lower than the minimum, the escalation team gets an alert. This only happens when the part type is set as Critical and there is an escalation team set up.

For more information see, Set Team as Critical Parts Escalation Team.
Average Unit CostAverage cost per unit.

This value is used in the Time & Cost Tracking section when a part is used in a work order.
DescriptionA short description of the part. It can be up to 4096 characters long (roughly 500-700 words).

Make sure to include all relevant details about the part.
QR Code/BarcodeQR Code used to identify the part.

You can enter the alphanumeric data manually or generate the code.

In the MaintainX mobile app, you can scan the QR code or barcode for your part with your device’s camera to quickly add it to a work order or locate it in your parts list.

For more information, see About QR codes and Barcodes.
Part TypesCustom labels that you can apply to sort parts into types. This field can be used for filtering and reporting.

Part types can also be useful to alert escalation teams when a part with the type Critical has units running below its minimum in stock in your inventory. If you want the escalation teams to be alerted, this field is necessary for notifying them.

For more information, see Part Inventory Settings.
LocationThe location associated with the part.

This is a MaintainX entity that represents a physical place. For example, a facility, or a building in a compound facility. For more information, see About Locations.
AreaThe precise area where the part is located.

For example, the part is located in the area named Storage Bin 4-C within Facility A.
AssetsThe asset(s) in your MaintainX organization that uses this part.

You can link more than one asset to a part.

This is useful when the part is for one or specific assets. It will be automatically linked when you create and complete work orders.
Teams in chargeAssign teams to the part.

Typically, these are the teams responsible for the maintenance of a an asset that uses this part.

For more information, see Create and Manage Teams.
VendorsThe name of the vendor(s) from whom you buy the part.

You can choose any vendor(s) you created in your organization through the Vendors module. When you add the a vendor, the part gets added to the vendor’s parts list automatically.

For details, see About Vendors.
Vendor’s Ordering Part NumberThe part number you use when you order the part from the vendor.

This field only appears when you add a vendor to the part. When you create a purchase order for the part, the ordering part number is added automatically.

This number can be different than the manufacturing part number.
FilesAttach files to the part.

In the mobile app, you can choose existing files or photos on your device.

In the web app, you can choose any files or photos on your computer.