About Global Procedures
You can create procedures at the Global level and share them across your multiple sub-organizations to standardize the procedures your use across your organizations.
Global Procedures Concepts​
Global Organization​
A Global Organization is an umbrella organization, for all of a company's other organizations. For example, a company that has one MaintainX organization to represent each of its four sites.
The company could create a Global Organization to manage global features across all their sub-organizations in MaintainX.
For more information, see About Global Organizations.
Global Leader​
A Global Leader supervises global features in MaintainX. The Global Leader can manage and share procedures for all organizations at the Global level.
As a Global Leader you can:
- Create procedures: Create and share global procedures for all your organizations, and use ad-hoc procedures your users create to develop new global procedures.
- Share procedures: Distribute global procedures across all organizations. Shared global procedures are easily discoverable with the Global Procedure tag. You can also add categories to global procedures to make them easier to search for and find.
- Update procedures: Update global procedures for several organizations at the same time.
Global Leaders can create and share global procedures but organization Administrators might need to edit the global procedures to tailor them to their organization specifics.
Global Procedures​
A global procedure is identical to a procedure as it is a form containing sequences of steps required for workers to complete. Unlike a regular procedure, only a Global Leader can create a global procedure at the Global level and share it across multiple sub-organizations.
Global Libraries vs. Local Libraries​
A global library is a library of procedures that a Global Leader creates in a global organization and shares with its sub organizations. A local library is a library of procedures that an organization Administrator creates in an individual organization.
As a Global Leader, you can oversee and update local libraries across all the sub-organizations you manage. You can also import a sub-organizations' local procedures to your global library to administer them from a single place, and share them with other sub-organizations. For details, see Turn a Local Procedure into a Global Procedure.
Comparison Tool​
After you share updates to a global procedure, organization Administrators and Full Users from your sub-organizations can access a comparative tool to view the previous and updated versions of the procedure. For details, see Edit a Global Procedure.
Users can also view the procedure updates in the procedure History tab. For details, see Edit a Procedure.
Nested Procedures​
A nested procedure is an existing procedure embedded in a parent procedure. For example, you might want to add a safety procedure to a global maintenance procedure, or indicate that a procedure needs to be performed on a sub-asset before you start a procedure on the parent asset.
In a global procedure, you can only embed other global procedures. You cannot embed a local procedure in a global procedure. For details, see About Global Procedures.
When you edit a procedure that contains nested procedures, you have the following options for editing the nested procedures:
- Edit standalone to edit the nested procedure directly in the Procedure Library. This action updates the nested procedure, and keeps it as a standalone entity. The update will appear in any other procedures where the nested procedure is embedded.
- Merge into parent procedure to turn the nested procedure into a section of the parent procedure.