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Meter Reading Exports

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

This article explains how to export meter reading data to CSV (Excel), and provides detailed descriptions of how MaintainX exports data.

Export Meter Reading Data​

  1. From the sidebar, select Reporting.

  2. In the Reporting module, go to the Export Data tab.

  3. Select Meter Reading.

  4. In the Export Reading List section, set the following options:

    Date RangeUse the date picker to set the date range for the export.
    Export FormatSelect CSV (Excel).
    Meter TypeSelect one of the following meter types:
    • Manual: for meter readings entered manually.
    • IoT Device: for meter readings captured automatically from connected IoT devices and sensors.
    ColumnsSelect the columns to include in the export file. For details about each column, see List of Meter Reading Export Columns.
  5. Do one of the following:

    • Select Schedule to export the data on a regular schedule. For details, see Scheduled Data Exports.
    • Select Export to export the data right away. MaintainX saves the exported file to the download center, and a download notification appears.
  6. If you selected Export in the previous step, from the download notification you can do any of the following:

    • Download the exported file.
    • Select View in Download Center to open the download center. The exported file appears in the Export Request History section.

List of Meter Reading Export Columns​

Meter NameThe name of the meter in MaintainX.
Meter IDThe meter's unique identification number in the MaintainX organization.
Asset NameThe name of the asset associated with the meter.
Location NameThe location associated with the meter.
Unit of Measure (U/M)The unit of measure of the meter. For example a room temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
ReadingThe meter reading value.
Entered OnThe date and time of the meter reading.
Entered ByThe name of the user who entered the meter reading.
Work Order #The work order number attached to the meter reading for the organization.
Work Order TitleThe title of the work order attached to the meter reading.
Work Order URLThe URL of the work order attached to the meter reading.