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Part Transaction Exports

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This article explains how to export part transaction data to CSV (Excel), and provides detailed descriptions of how MaintainX exports data.

A part transaction is an action that adds or removes a part from the inventory. A transaction can apply to a part purchase, a part consumption, inventory update, or a part transfer from one site to another. In MaintainX, the following part transactions exist:

  • WORK_ORDER_COMPLETED: Completing a work order uses a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • WORK_ORDER_REOPENED: Reopening a work order uses a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • MANUAL_UPDATE: A user edits a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • RESTOCK: A user restocks a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • PURCHASE_ORDER_FULFILLED: A purchase order fulfillment updates a part inventory.
  • TRANSFER: A part transfer from one MaintainX organization to another updates the part inventory. For more information, see Share Parts Between Organizations.

MaintainX exports each transaction with a unique transaction ID. In the case of a work order or purchase order attached to several transactions, each transaction has its own line in the extracted file with its unique data.

Export Part Transaction Data​

  1. From the sidebar, select Reporting.

  2. In the Reporting module, go to the Export Data tab.

  3. Select Part Transactions.

  4. In the Part Transactions section, set the following options:

    Date RangeUse the date picker to set the date range for the export.
    Export FormatSelect CSV (Excel).
    ColumnsSelect the columns to include in the export file. For more information, see List of Part Transaction Export Columns.
  5. Do one of the following:

    • Select Schedule to export the data on a regular schedule. For details, see Scheduled Data Exports.
    • Select Export to export the data right away. MaintainX saves the exported file to the download center, and a download notification appears.
  6. If you selected Export in the previous step, from the download notification you can do any of the following:

    • Download the exported file.
    • Select View in Download Center to open the download center. The exported file appears in the Export Request History section.

List of Part Transaction Export Columns​

Transaction IDThe part transaction’s unique identification number in the MaintainX organization.
DirectionSpecifies whether the transaction is for a part entering the inventory (IN) or leaving the inventory (OUT).
Part IDThe part’s unique identification number in the MaintainX organization.
Part NameThe name of the part you specified in MaintainX.
Part AreaThe area within the location where the part is located.

For example, a bin number, or an aisle number.
Part TypesThe type(s) of the part.

This information comes from the Parts Inventory module.
QR/BarcodeBarcode or QR Code used to identify the part.
Part LocationThe location where the part is stored.

For example, a location could be a site, or one building in a compound.
Quantity BeforeThe number of parts in the inventory before the part transaction.
Quantity Added to InventoryThe number of parts to be added or removed from the inventory in the transaction.

When parts are removed from inventory a minus sign appears next to the quantity.
Quantity AfterThe total number of parts in the inventory after the part transaction.

If before the transaction the number of parts is 0 and parts are removed from inventory, a minus sign appears next to the number of parts.
Unit CostThe unit cost of the part.
Total CostThe total cost of the part.

The total cost is calculated by multiplying the following values:

Unit Cost x Quantity Added to Inventory.

If the number of parts is 0 and parts are removed from inventory, a minus sign appears next to the total cost.
Transaction DateThe date and time the transaction happened in UTC format.
Purchase Order IDThe purchase order’s unique identification number in the MaintainX organization.

This unique identification number appears only if the part transaction is created from a purchase order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Purchase Order URLThe purchase order’s internal URL.

Only users logged in to MaintainX can access a purchase order with this URL.

This URL appears only if the part transaction is created from a purchase order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Work Order IDThe unique identification number of the work order in the MaintainX organization attached to the part transaction.

This unique identification number appears only if the part transaction is created from a work order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Work Order URLThe URL of the work order attached to the part transaction.

Only users logged in to MaintainX can access a work order with this URL.

This URL appears only if the part transaction is created from a work order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Work Order AssetThe asset added to the work order that requires maintenance.

The asset appears only if the part transaction is created from a work order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Work Order Asset IDThe asset's unique identification number for the organization. The asset is associated with the work order.

The asset’s unique identification number appears only if the part transaction is created from a work order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Work Order LocationThe location specified on the work order.

The location appears only if the part transaction is created from a work order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Work Order Location IDThe location's unique identification number for the organization. The location is associated with the work order.

The location’s unique identification number appears only if the part transaction is created from a work order, otherwise the field remains empty.
Transaction InitiatorThe name of the user who initiated the part transaction through a work order or a purchase order.
Transaction TypeThe type of transaction:
  • WORK_ORDER_COMPLETED:Completing a work order uses a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • WORK_ORDER_REOPENED: Reopening a work order uses a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • MANUAL_UPDATE: A user edits a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • RESTOCK: A user restocks a part, and the inventory is updated.
  • PURCHASE_ORDER_FULFILLED: A purchase order fulfillment updates a part inventory.
  • TRANSFER: A part transfer from one MaintainX organization to another updates the part inventory. For more information, see Share Parts Between Organizations.

Depending on how you create the part transaction, MaintainX automatically generates the transaction type.
Transaction ReasonThe reason for the transaction.

The transaction reason appears only if you add a comment in the You can leave a note explaining the change field in the Restock option of the Parts Inventory.