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Scheduled Data Exports

Plan Type:BasicEssentialPremiumEnterprise
User Type:RequesterFull UserAdministrator

Set up scheduled data exports to automatically export MaintainX organization data to comma separated values (CSV) files. You can open CSV files in any text editor or spreadsheet software, or import them into other products for further reporting and analysis.

Scheduled data helps you:

  • Share organization data with stakeholders within and outside of your MaintainX organization.
  • Save time you would ordinarily spend setting up data exports manually.
  • Reduce human error. Once you set up a scheduled export, MaintainX exports exactly the data you want every time.

You can also schedule exports of MaintainX reports and report dashboards to PDF files. For details, see Scheduled Reports.

What You Can Schedule​

You can schedule an export for the following MaintainX data. This article explains how to schedule a data export. For details about what information MaintainX exports, see the pages for specific export types:

Date Ranges and Filters for Scheduled Reports​

Every scheduled data export can have its own date range and filters. You set the date range in the Create Scheduled Export dialog. If the current date range is compatible with a scheduled export (Last # of Days/Weeks/Months/Years), MaintainX sets that date range automatically.

You can edit a scheduled export to change the filters or date range. For details, see View and Edit Scheduled Data Exports.

Source Data for Scheduled Data Exports​

Scheduled data exports respect the filters, fields, and other settings that are applied when you schedule the export.

Create a Scheduled Data Export​

You create scheduled data exports from the Reporting module. When you create a new scheduled data export, MaintainX does the following:

  • Creates the scheduled data export and adds it to your list of scheduled exports in the download center.
  • Automatically exports the scheduled data export and emails it to the recipients list at the frequency you set up.

To create a scheduled data export:

  1. From the sidebar, select Reporting. The Reporting module opens.

  2. In the Reporting module, select the Export Data tab.

  3. Select the type of data to export and set the options specific to the type to export. For details, see About Data Exports.

  4. Select Schedule. The Create Scheduled Export dialog opens.

  5. Set the following options:

    NameThe name that appears in the list of scheduled reports in the download center.
    Date RangeThe date range for the scheduled export.

    Specify the number of Days, Weeks, Months or Years before the date that you want the export to cover.

    If you set the Last value to 1, the date range will be the last full calendar period. For example, if today is June 5th a range of Last 1 Months generates a report for May 1st to May 31st.

    If you set the Last value to 0, the date range will be from the beginning of the calendar period to the current date. For example, if today is June 5th a range of Last 0 Months generates a report for June 1st to June 5th.

    The date range can't be more than five years. Except for Asset Status data which have a 1 year date range limit.
    RecipientThe list of users or teams that will receive the scheduled export by email.
    Send one email to each recipientWhen set, MaintainX sends one email to each recipient instead of sending a single email to all recipients.
    Include me in the emailWhen set, the user who creates the scheduled report also receives it by email.
    FrequencyHow often the export should be sent. Choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly frequency.

    If you choose Weekly, you can specify which days of the week to send the report.

    If you choose Monthly, you can specify which day of the month to send the report, and the frequency in months.
    Email SubjectThe subject line for the email MaintainX sends to recipients.
    Email TextThe body text for the email MaintainX sends to recipients.
  6. Select Schedule.

MaintainX adds the scheduled data export to the Scheduled Exports table in the download center, where you can view and edit it. For details, see View and Edit Scheduled Data Exports.

MaintainX will start sending the export starting on the next scheduled send date. Scheduled exports are sent at 9:00 AM local time.

View and Edit Scheduled Data Exports​

From the download center, you can see a list of your scheduled data exports, edit some of their properties, and download the most recent version of any scheduled export.

To view scheduled data exports:

  1. From the sidebar, select Reporting. The Reporting module opens.
  2. In the Reporting module, select the Export Data tab.
  3. From the page header, select Export and from the Export menu, select View Scheduled Exports. The download center opens.

You can also open the download center from the sidebar.

Open the Settings menu and under MY ACCOUNT, select Open Download Center.

To edit a scheduled data export:

  1. From the sidebar, select Reporting. The Reporting module opens.

  2. In the Reporting module, select the Export Data tab.

  3. From the page header, select Export and from the Export menu, select View Scheduled Exports. The download center opens.

  4. In the Scheduled Exports section, select the export you want to edit. The Edit Scheduled Export dialog opens.

  5. Set additional options specific to the type of data to export. For details, see About Data Exports.

  6. Edit the following scheduled export options as needed:

    NameThe name that appears in the list of scheduled reports in the download center.
    Date RangeThe date range for the scheduled export.

    Specify the number of Days, Weeks, Months or Years before the date that you want the export to cover.

    If you set the Last value to 1, the date range will be the last full calendar period. For example, if today is June 5th a range of Last 1 Months generates a report for May 1st to May 31st.

    If you set the Last value to 0, the date range will be from the beginning of the calendar period to the current date. For example, if today is June 5th a range of Last 0 Months generates a report for June 1st to June 5th.

    The date range can't be more than five years. Except for Asset Status data which have a 1 year date range limit.
    RecipientThe list of users or teams that will receive the scheduled export by email.
    Send one email to each recipientWhen set, MaintainX sends one email to each recipient instead of sending a single email to all recipients.
    Include me in the emailWhen set, the user who creates the scheduled report also receives it by email.
    FrequencyHow often the export should be sent. Choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly frequency.

    If you choose Weekly, you can specify which days of the week to send the report.

    If you choose Monthly, you can specify which day of the month to send the report, and the frequency in months.
    Email SubjectThe subject line for the email MaintainX sends to recipients.
    Email TextThe body text for the email MaintainX sends to recipients.
  7. Select Submit.

MaintainX updates the scheduled data export.

Change the Filters for a Scheduled Data Export​

From the download center, you can change the filters for any scheduled data export.

To change the filters for a scheduled data export:

  1. Open the download center.

  2. In the Scheduled Exports table, go to the row for the export whose filters you want to change, and select the(filters) icon. If the export already has filters applied, the filter icon appears with a small dot, like this: .

    The filter options appear.

  3. Edit the filters as needed. When you're finished, select Apply.

The scheduled data export will use the updated filters as of the next export.


To see when the next export is scheduled, check the UPCOMING column.

Pause or Resume a Schedule Data Export​

  1. Open the download center.
  2. In the Scheduled Exports table go to the row of the export you want to pause/resume.
  3. In the Active column, do one of the following:
    • To pause the export, turn off the toggle. MaintainX won't export the data and the send it to recipients again until you resume it.
    • To resume a paused export, turn on the toggle. MaintainX will export the data and send it on the next scheduled date.

Download a Scheduled Data Export​

The most recent scheduled exports are available in the download center for two weeks.

  1. Open the download center.
  2. In the Scheduled Exports table, go to the row of the export you want to download.
  3. Select the (download) icon.